RA Cook

Once upon a time there was a little girl with a big imagination. It took a while before she believed in herself, but over time, her imagination surpassed all her expectations. When her muse knocked on the door, fresh words and images exploded onto paper in a surprising flourish, and she couldn’t help herself.

Classically trained and a graduate of the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA, RA Cook graduated with a degree in Illustration. An award winning graphic designer and published author, she has worked in the newspaper, magazine, and book industry for over three decades.

Semi-retired and living in the San Juan Islands, Cook plans to publish new titles through her self-publishing company, HMA Publishing. A sequel for Calvin Splinter & His Splendid Spinter Ideas is in the offing along with several other children’s picture books. “You might see a sequel coming down the IN Road too!”