Art Filled with Whimsy and Wonder

There was a time when I thought I would “just die” if I couldn’t become the artist I had envisioned. It has taken years—decades, actually—to become an accomplished artist. Yet, I don’t rest on my laurels. Each day I work to improve my skills and attempt to pull another idea from thin air.

These days most of my art work is centered around cards, stories, or books I have written. My fiction ranges from young children to middle grade to adult readers. I have always intended to combine my artwork with meaningful words, and for many years, worked as a graphic designer for newspapers, magazines and publishing companies.

Until my early 50s, I considered myself a casual weekend artist, not a real artist. I felt too self conscious and had little confidence to show my work in public. Eventually, that mindset changed. After graduating from Academy of Art University at the mellow age of 59 and bolstered with new art skills, I opened my pandora’s box. Here is a smattering of my work, both old and new.

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